Which SMR Techniques Should I Do?

Click the techniques below to learn how to help your issue.

The 23 Fundamental SMR techniques are to be practiced at least once every two weeks for each technique, but more often will be necessary for some areas. The Fundamentals include the 3 Primaries and the 20 Secondaries.

The 3 Primary SMR Techniques are to be practiced at least once a week. More often is likely to benefit you more.

The 20 Secondary SMR Techniques are to be practiced at least once for each technique every two weeks as an assessment. More often is likely to benefit you for some techniques, but you should never ignore an area for more than a couple weeks before inspecting it again to ensure you aren't skipping a problem when it is small and relatively easy to fix.
The 47 Extended SMR techniques are to be practiced as needed when dealing with a issue in that area of your body (normally two or three techniques per day). These techniques are meant to be done almost daily when you have an issue in that region (and ONLY when you have an issue in that region).
Take 2-5 minutes for each SMR exercise per side of your body. This will provide enough time under tension to stimulate the GTO and your muscles will likely relax more, allowing you to make quicker progress toward full range pain-free movement. Quicker movements tend to stimulate the muscles, whereas slower movements tend to relax them.

You may need significant SMR work in a particular area. Work through all 70 of the SMR techniques as needed, plus the nearly 90 stretches to address every skeletal muscle in your body. Over time you should need these techniques less often and it should take less time with each technique to get the release you are seeking.
**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.**

Pecs Roll

10th Secondary -- Pecs Roll
Use this SMR exercise to address the muscles in the front of your chest (primarily the pectoralis minor).

It is best if you practice the Lats Roll in conjunction with the Pecs Roll. Addressing both the lats and pecs in the same session maximizes the release possible in the largest muscles that limit your ability to raise your arm.

If you have trouble with rotator cuff issues, shoulder impingement, frozen shoulder, or just about any other discomfort in your shoulders or neck, then this exercise is for you!

The pectoralis minor muscle is involved in everything you do that involves the shoulder blade. When it locks up, all shoulder movements (and even some neck movements) are compromised.

You should do this movement at least once every 2 weeks. (more often is better) The Pecs Presses in the extended regions may also be necessary to get the best release. Practice all the pecs techniques in rotation over 10-14 days along with all of the shoulder techniques (Primary, Secondary, and Extended) when you are attempting to clear a shoulder issue that needs more attention.
For written instructions, click here to download a printable PDF of the Pecs Roll
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

Click here to return to all of the Fundamental SMR Techniques

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Just what is "Flossing?"

CP-Thigh1Unfortunately because of the popularity of some web videos, many people think applying elastic straps to the limbs or joints is called "flossing." The straps actually have little or nothing to do with the flossing process. Here is a good audio explanation of what "flossing" actually is.

It is actually a series of movements with specific joints and limbs to lengthen the nerve branches and "pull" them through the channels they are supposed to pass through easily. You should see a licensed therapist for instruction of which movements are safe and necessary for you and your specific needs. As mentioned in the audio clip you really should not explore flossing on your own with simply some web videos and your perception of pain as your guide. Flossing is AMAZING when needed and done properly! If practiced incorrectly it can irritate an already compromised nerve issue, if not lead to permanent nerve damage (which is what we would call a "bad" result).

All4The compression straps we use are safe and effective tools one uses to improve circulation locally with specific muscles in the arms or legs (click here for some instructional videos). Not only will the improved circulation help with function and recovery for almost every method of exercise, the immediate flush of circulation reduces spot sensitivity for the local muscles so that massage techniques are dramatically more comfortable.

Can you say "not-so-painful Quads Roll?"
Can you say "not-so-painful Quads Roll?"
This means a deeper, more effective self-massage with less pain and longer lasting results.

The more you know, the better your self-care results will be. Contact us to reach a Certified Alexander Method of SMR trainer to learn more!

Delts Press Wall & Floor

44th & 45th Extended -- Delts Press -- Wall/Floor
Use this SMR exercise AFTER you do the Lats Roll and the Pecs Roll (or one of it's alternatives). 

This SMR exercise addresses the three heads of the deltoid muscles.

If you have trouble lifting your arms overhead then this exercise is for you!

Keep in mind that the lats and pectoralis minor muscles are involved in everything you do with the shoulder blade.

You will likely benefit from loosening knots in the delts, but be sure you stretch out the lats and the pec minor or your issue is likely to come right back.
For written instructions, click here.

(Video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the SMR Techniques.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Sterno Press

37th Extended -- Sterno Press
This SMR exercise addresses the sternocleidomastoid, one of the many muscles that runs along the side of your neck and is attached to your sternum & clavicle in the front of your body and your skull just behind your ear. 

You will notice a number of issues that this muscle influences. 

The most important issue this muscle can cause is poor neck posture.

If you can't easily lie flat on your back with your head and shoulders on the floor and your chin close to your chest, then this exercise is for you! 

The Neck Press and Scalene Press techniques are natural compliments to this SMR exercise, so do them together.
For written instructions, click here.

(Video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the SMR Techniques.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Iliopsoas Roll

8th Secondary -- Iliopsoas Roll
Use this SMR exercise AFTER the Quads Roll

This SMR exercise is a variation of the Psoas Press and Iliacus Press techniques to address the Psoas muscle and Iliacus in the Hip Flexors in the front of your hips & core. You may find this exercise easier.

If the Psoas Press or Iliacus Press are too intense to work with then practice the Iliopsoas Roll to more gently work out the "junk" in the front of your hips. It may take a month or two to help your muscles along to become healthy enough to handle the other two techniques (which are the preferred deep tissue SMR techniques for the iliopsoas group).

If you have tightness or discomfort of the hip, knee, or lower back, then this exercise is likely to help.
For written instructions, click here to download a printable PDF of the Iliopsoas Roll

Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

Click here to return to all of the Fundamental SMR Techniques

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.**

Iliacus Press

30th Extended -- Iliacus Press
Use this SMR exercise to address the deepest muscle in the front of your hips AFTER doing the Quads Roll and the Psoas Press

In addition using this technique to assist with issues in the front of your hips, if you have SI joint issues you should use this exercise to work out those deep knots in the muscles that attach in the FRONT that have a large influence on the function of the muscles in the BACK. If you have SI joint issues be sure you are practicing the Iliacus Press. The Iliacus muscle is part of the Iliopsoas Group, the most influential hip flexors in your body. If they are shot, nothing on the back of your body will work properly.
For written instructions, click here to download a printable PDF of the Iliacus Press

Downloadable video instructions coming soon!

Click here to return to all of the SMR Techniques
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Piriformis Roll

7th Secondary -- Piriformis Roll
Use this SMR exercise to address the muscles in the back of your hips. 

This SMR exercise is a variation of the Piriformis Press technique to address the lateral rotators of the hip. You may find this exercise easier.

If the Piriformis Press is too intense to work with, then practice the Piriformis Roll to more gently work out the "junk" in your buns. It may take a month or two to help your muscles along to become healthy enough to handle the Secondary technique (which is the preferred standard SMR technique for the piriformis).

You probably won't notice knots in your buns when you are just walking around, but you may have a deep ache in one or more of the other muscles "back there." The gluteus maximus (and the other posterior hip muscles) is involved in any movement using the hips. When parts of it lock up, proper hip function is compromised. You will notice a 'lightness' with body movements if you release any knots in your glutes.
For written instructions, click here to download a printable PDF of the Piriformis Roll

Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

Click here to return to all of the Fundamental SMR Techniques

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

The Cricket

22nd Extended -- The Cricket
Use this SMR exercise AFTER the Quads Roll

This SMR exercise is a variation of the Adductors Roll movement to address all of the muscle mass along the insides of your thighs. You may find this exercise easier.

If the Adductors Roll is too intense to work with, then practice the Cricket to more gently work out the "junk" in your inner thighs. It may take a month or two to help your muscles along to become healthy enough to handle the second Primary technique (which is the preferred standard SMR technique for the adductors).

If you have tightness or discomfort of the hip or the inside of your knees, then this exercise is likely to help.
For written instructions, click here.

(Video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the SMR Techniques.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.**

Prone Adductor Press

18th Extended -- Prone Adductor Press
Use this SMR exercise AFTER the Quads Roll, and the Adductors Roll

This SMR exercise is to address the deeper knots in your adductors. This technique can be especially effective at addressing the Pectineus muscle very close to your pubic bone, which is a very difficult muscle to release through stretching alone. 

If you have tightness or discomfort of the hip or the inside of your knee, then this exercise is likely to help.
For written instructions, click here.

For our downloadable video instruction, click here (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the Extended Movements.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.**