Neck Press

35th Extended -- Neck Press

Use this SMR exercise AFTER you do the Lats Roll and the Pecs Hand Press (or one of it's alternatives), and in compliment with the Scalene Press.

This SMR exercise addresses one of the 16 muscles attached to your shoulder blade that lies underneath the trapezius, the Levator Scapulae. There are other muscles you will likely need to address in the area but the path of the Levator Scap is our target.

The Levator Floor Press and Levator Wall Press address lower areas of this same muscle.

If you have trouble with neck pain or shoulder pain when you lift your arm, then this exercise is for you!

Keep in mind that the pectoralis minor muscle is involved in everything you do that involves the shoulder blade.

You will likely benefit from loosening knots in the levator scapulae, but be sure you stretch out the pec minor or your issue is likely to come right back.

For written instructions, click here

For video instructions (5:51), click here (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see all of the Extended SMR Exercises.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Serratus Press

43rd Extended -- Serratus Press
Use this SMR exercise AFTER you do the Lats Roll and the Pecs Hand Press (or one of it's alternatives). 

This SMR exercise more deeply addresses the 4 muscles that cross the shoulder joint on the backside of your body, plus numerous other muscles along the side & back of the ribs. 

If you have trouble with shoulder pain when you lift your arm, then this exercise is for you!

Keep in mind that the lats and pectoralis minor muscles are involved in everything you do with the shoulder blade.

You will likely benefit from loosening knots in the back of your shoulder & ribs, but be sure you stretch out the lats and the pec minor or your issue is likely to come right back.
For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (3:28), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to return to all of the SMR Techniques.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Scalene Press

36th Extended -- Scalenes Press
This SMR exercise more deeply addresses the sternocleidomastoid (SCM), one of the many muscles that runs along the side of your neck and is attached to your sternum & clavicle, and also addresses the scalene muscles underneath the SCM. Practice this SMR exercise AFTER the Neck Roll and the Sterno Roll, and in compliment with the Neck Press.

If you find your tight muscles are not relieved with the roller techniques then SLOWLY practice this deeper ball technique.

You will notice a number of issues that this technique influences. 

The most important issue this technique can influence is poor neck posture.

If you can't easily turn or tilt your head then this exercise is for you! 

The Neck Press technique is a natural compliment to this SMR exercise, so do them together.
For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (4:11), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the Extended Movements.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Piriformis Press

24th Extended -- Piriformis Press

Use this SMR exercise AFTER the Quads Roll, and the Adductors Roll

This SMR exercise is to address the knots in your piriformis and other lateral rotators of the thigh. 

If you have sciatica, SI joint issues, or general tightness or discomfort in the 'cheek' area of the outside of your hip, then this exercise is likely to help.

You should do this SMR exercise at least once every 2 weeks. (more often is better)

If you skip the first 2 SMR exercises for the muscle in the front and inside regions of your thigh (the Quads Roll and the Adductors Roll), there is a strong likelihood of your hip discomfort coming right back.

DON'T skip your hip flexors, quads & adductors when dealing with hip pain.

For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (4:43), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see all of the SMR Exercises.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Glute Med Press

23rd Extended -- Glute Med Press

Use this SMR exercise AFTER the Quads Roll, the Adductors Roll

This SMR exercise is to address knots in the gluteus medius, a muscle in the upper & outer portion of the hip. 

If you have general tightness or discomfort in the lower 'cheek' area of the outside of your hip, then this exercise is likely to help. 

If you skip the first 2 SMR exercises for the muscle in the front and inside regions of your thigh, there is a strong likelihood of your hip discomfort coming right back.

DON'T skip your hip flexors, quads & adductors when dealing with hip pain.
(Your center quad & adductor muscles greatly contribute to proper hip function.)

You should do this SMR exercise at least once every 2 weeks. (more often is usually better)

For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (3:18), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see all of the SMR Exercises.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

TFL Roll

25th Extended -- TFL Roll
Use this SMR exercise AFTER the Quads Roll and the IT Band Roll

This SMR exercise is to address knots in a relatively small muscle across the front outside area of the hip. 

If you skip the first 2 SMR exercises for the muscles in the front and outside regions of your thigh, there is a strong likelihood of your hip discomfort coming right back. (Your center & outer quads greatly influence the load on this muscle.)

If you have general tightness or discomfort in the front area of the outside of your hip, or the upper area of the outside of your thigh, then this exercise is likely to help.
For written instructions, click here

For video instructions (2:58), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the Extended Movements.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

TFL Press

26th Extended -- TFL Press
Use this SMR exercise AFTER the Quads Roll, the IT Band Roll, and the TFL Roll

This SMR exercise is to address deeper knots in a relatively small muscle across the front outside area of the hip. 

If you skip the first 2 SMR exercises for the muscles in the front and outside regions of your thigh, there is a strong likelihood of your hip discomfort coming right back. (Your center & outer quads greatly influence the load on this muscle.)

If you have general tightness or discomfort in the front area of the outside of your hip, or the upper area of the outside of your thigh, then this exercise is likely to help.
For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (3:43), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the Extended Movements.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Sacrum Press

29th Extended -- Sacrum Press
Use this SMR exercise to address the deeper muscles in the back of your hips AFTER doing the Glutes Roll

People with SI joint issues should cautiously use this exercise to work out those deep knots in the muscles that attach in the back of the hips. In addition to working the back of the hips, if you have SI joint issues be sure you are practicing the Iliacus Press. The Iliacus muscle is part of the Iliopsoas Group, the most influential hip flexors in your body.
For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (3:14), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the Extended Movements.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Double QL Press

28th Extended -- QL Press -- Double Ball
Use this SMR exercise AFTER the Quads Roll, the Lats Roll, and in compliment with the Psoas Press (either immediately before or after). 

This SMR exercise is to address the deep knots in your lower back (primarily the quadratus lumborum muscle), and is an alternative to the QL Press

If you have tightness or discomfort in your lower back, then this exercise is likely to help.
For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (2:27), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the Extended Movements.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Seated Adductor Press

17th Extended -- Seated Adductor Press
Use this SMR exercise AFTER the Quads Roll, and the Adductors Roll

This SMR exercise is to address the deeper knots in your adductors and other muscles along the inside of your thigh. (even portions of the 2 internal hamstring muscles). 

If you have tightness or discomfort of the hip or the inside of your knee, then this exercise is likely to help.
For written instructions, click here.

For our downloadable video instruction, click here (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the Extended Movements.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.**