Piriformis Press

24th Extended -- Piriformis Press

Use this SMR exercise AFTER the Quads Roll, and the Adductors Roll

This SMR exercise is to address the knots in your piriformis and other lateral rotators of the thigh. 

If you have sciatica, SI joint issues, or general tightness or discomfort in the 'cheek' area of the outside of your hip, then this exercise is likely to help.

You should do this SMR exercise at least once every 2 weeks. (more often is better)

If you skip the first 2 SMR exercises for the muscle in the front and inside regions of your thigh (the Quads Roll and the Adductors Roll), there is a strong likelihood of your hip discomfort coming right back.

DON'T skip your hip flexors, quads & adductors when dealing with hip pain.

For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (4:43), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see all of the SMR Exercises.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

2 thoughts on “Piriformis Press”

  1. If you skip the first 2 SMR exercises for the muscle in the front and inside regions of your thigh, there is a strong likelihood of your hip discomfort coming right back.
    Which 2?

    1. Daniel, I just updated the page to make the instructions a little more clear. Thank you for bringing the confusing point to our attention. Good luck with your efforts and keep us posted on your progress.

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