Click the techniques below to learn how to help your issue.
The 23 Fundamental SMR techniques are to be practiced at least once every two weeks for each technique, but more often will be necessary for some areas. The Fundamentals include the 3 Primaries and the 20 Secondaries.
The 3 Primary SMR Techniques are to be practiced at least once a week. More often is likely to benefit you more.1st Primary -- Quads Roll2nd Primary -- Adductors Roll3rd Primary -- Lats Roll
The 20 Secondary SMR Techniques are to be practiced at least once for each technique every two weeks as an assessment. More often is likely to benefit you for some techniques, but you should never ignore an area for more than a couple weeks before inspecting it again to ensure you aren't skipping a problem when it is small and relatively easy to fix. 1st Secondary -- Calves Roll2nd Secondary -- Foot Roll3rd Secondary -- Hamstrings Roll4th Secondary -- VMO Roll5th Secondary -- IT Band Roll6th Secondary -- Glutes Roll7th Secondary -- Piriformis Roll8th Secondary -- Iliopsoas Roll9th Secondary -- QL Roll10th Secondary -- Pecs Roll11th Secondary -- T-Spine Roll12th Secondary -- Delts Roll13th Secondary -- Levator Floor Press14th Secondary -- SMR Butterfly15th Secondary -- Neck Roll16th Secondary -- Sterno Roll17th Secondary -- Triceps Roll18th Secondary -- Biceps Press19th Secondary -- Extensors Roll20th Secondary -- Flexors Press
The 47 Extended SMR techniques are to be practiced as needed when dealing with a issue in that area of your body (normally two or three techniques per day). These techniques are meant to be done almost daily when you have an issue in that region (and ONLY when you have an issue in that region).1st Extended -- Gastroc Roll2nd Extended -- Pop Press3rd Extended -- Post Tib Press4th Extended -- Peroneals Wall Roll5th Extended -- Peroneals Wall Press6th Extended -- Peroneals Floor Roll7th Extended -- Peroneals Floor Press8th Extended -- Shin Wall Roll9th Extended -- Shin Wall Press10th Extended -- Shin Floor Roll11th Extended -- Shin Floor Press12th Extended -- Arch Roll13th Extended -- Arch Press14th Extended -- Foot Press15th Extended -- Toes Press16th Extended -- Hamstrings Press17th Extended -- Seated Adductor Press18th Extended -- Prone Adductor Press19th Extended -- IT Band Press20th Extended -- Quads Press -- Single Ball21st Extended -- Quads Press -- Double Ball22nd Extended -- The Cricket23rd Extended -- Glute Med Press24th Extended -- Piriformis Press25th Extended -- TFL Roll26th Extended -- TFL Press27th Extended -- QL Press -- Single Ball28th Extended -- QL Press -- Double Ball29th Extended -- Sacrum Press30th Extended -- Iliacus Press31st Extended -- Psoas Press32nd Extended -- Pecs Hand Press33rd Extended -- Pecs Wall Press34th Extended -- Pecs Floor Press35th Extended -- Neck Press36th Extended -- Scalenes Press37th Extended -- Sterno Press38th Extended -- Levator Wall Press39th Extended -- Infra Press40th Extended -- Supra Floor Press41st Extended -- Supra Wall Press42nd Extended -- Subscap Press43rd Extended -- Serratus Press44th Extended -- Delts Press -- Wall45th Extended -- Delts Press -- Floor46th Extended -- Brachi Press47th Extended -- Extensors Press
Take 2-5 minutes for each SMR exercise per side of your body. This will provide enough time under tension to stimulate the GTO and your muscles will likely relax more, allowing you to make quicker progress toward full range pain-free movement. Quicker movements tend to stimulate the muscles, whereas slower movements tend to relax them. You may need significant SMR work in a particular area. Work through all 70 of the SMR techniques as needed, plus the nearly 90 stretches to address every skeletal muscle in your body. Over time you should need these techniques less often and it should take less time with each technique to get the release you are seeking. |
**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** |