Functional Aging Institute Webinar

Jeff presented his first webinar for the Functional Aging Institute on November 13th!

2015-11-13 12.03.48

He talked about how to recognize a client's current movement capabilities based on tight muscles or possibly from limitations outside the scope of a coach or trainer's care, and how to recognize the difference.

2015-11-13 12.12.38

2015-11-13 12.14.52

He also talked about how to approach SMR in a safe and effective manner.

2015-11-13 12.20.27

We really enjoyed working with the Functional Aging Institute, and we look forward to several future projects we will do together. Click Here to see what this fine organization is up to and how it might help you as a coach or a client.

Click Here to access the full one-hour presentation.

Click Here to learn more about our SMR certifications and register for an upcoming class.