Wall Piriformis Block

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22) Wall Piriformis Blockclick here

Some people perform a version of this stretch in which they pull on their leg to stretch their opposite hip. We suggest that you learn how to relax first before attempting to use force to encourage any muscle to relax. By using the wall as a support in this stretch and "blocking" the ankle across your knee it is possible to concentrate on melting into the floor with your lower back, completely relaxing your hip and thigh muscles, and getting much deeper stretch in your Piriformis and other lateral rotators.

For an older video of how to do the Wall Piriformis Block, click here. A new video is coming soon.

Supported Angel

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20) Supported Angelclick here

This stretch is to the chest and shoulders what the Supported Corpse is to the hips and lower back. Many people develop an anterior rotation of the shoulders or a shoulder-forward posture as they age. This is one way to reverse some of that shortening of the muscles that cross the front of the shoulders. Much like with the Chin Tuck or the Supported Corpse, the hardest part of this stretch for some people is doing nothing for more than 2 minutes. By constantly moving the overactive muscles of the shoulders never truly shut down. This means they take much longer to ever lengthen and it will be harder to note progress.

Breathe deeply and feel your knuckles melt into the floor. When you feel your elbows also melt into the floor you are ready to raise your arms a little closer to your ears. 

Video coming soon.

Supine Frog

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18) Supine Frogclick here

This stretch is likely to be a safer alternative to the Frog. When this stretch becomes "too easy" or if your legs are too strong to be pulled wider by gravity alone, flip over and practice the Frog. Many people add more load to this stretch with the goal of accomplishing greater flexibility (like laying weights on top of their legs). The loading can be done effectively by some, but a smarter alternative is to simply turn over. Adding and removing weights requires you to activate the very muscles you are supposedly trying to stretch. You will get longer muscles more quickly with less risk of injuring them if you learn how to relax more rather than try to always add more weight to force you to relax.

Video coming soon.

Straddle Reach

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17) Straddle Reachclick here

This stretch is extremely similar to the Straddle Press, except that the focus is to reach forward as far as is realistic and then lay your hands on the floor and completely relax the core and legs. There is a subtle difference in the focus of the stretch you may feel with the Straddle Press and the Straddle Reach. The eventual goal of this stretch is to have your arms stretched out over your head while your chest is on the floor and your legs are straight out to the sides. This stretch tends to be a safer alternative to the Straddle Press for some people due to lower back issues. Use your best judgment when including specific stretches in your routine.

Video coming soon.

Straddle Press

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16) Straddle Pressclick here

This stretch is a "stepping stone" stretch to allow more flexion and abduction of the hips. It is also potentially dangerous to your lower and mid-back if you force your arms to the floor. The objective is to lean forward and gently "press" your elbows down, while minding the level of tension it takes to touch the ground with your arms. As you get more flexible you should gradually walk your elbows farther forward from your body. At no point is this movement intended to take force on your part to actually touch the ground with your arms...allow them to gradually make contact. If you practice this stretch properly you should notice an easier time touching the ground with your arms and no tightness or discomfort in your core or back. As this stretch gets easier all the other Straddle stretches also get easier.

Video coming soon.

Straddle Lean

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15) Straddle Leanclick here

This stretch is one way to more deeply address the Adductors as well as the hip and core muscles. Placing your lower arm in front your legs or behind them changes the intensity and the focus of this stretch, so try both. The wider you place your legs the more difficult this stretch becomes, so find the width best for your current level of flexibility. Regular practice of this and the other Straddle stretches will make all of them easier.

Video coming soon.


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14) Straddleclick here

The initial purpose of this stretch is to lengthen the Adductors by sitting with your legs as wide as possible. The eventual goal is a Straddle Split. Leaning forward may help lengthen your leg muscles, but if you are too aggressive with your stretch efforts you can trigger the Stretch Reflex and you will not achieve a longer muscle (you might actually get tighter instead). So how you do this stretch is as important as the stretch itself. Eventually the goal is to lay flat on the floor with your legs straight out to the sides and your body totally relaxed (will take a while for some of you out there).

Video of the Straddle coming soon. For video of how to do the Seated Straddle (aka Floor Chest Touch), click here.


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13) Scorpionclick here

This stretch is notoriously performed far too aggressively and too quickly for most people to achieve any lengthening of tight muscles. In fact, if you are too aggressive with the rotation of your lower back you can injure yourself, so this stretch is best performed at a slow pace with a focus on feeling the musculature relax and lengthen across the front of your hip, core, and shoulder. When performed correctly this stretch is a very good way to re-establish or maintain good rotational ROM across the core.

It is not necessary to touch your hand with your foot, although some people will be able to do so. Forcing contact between your foot and hand is one way to injure yourself if your body is not yet that flexible (some of us will never be that flexible).

Video coming soon.

Nose to Knees

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12) Nose to Kneesclick here

If you have a back lower back this stretch may be bad for you. If you try it and it hurts go see a therapist to get your back checked. The goal is to lay your chest on your thighs and your nose between your knees. It may take a while if you have not stretched for a long time. You should gradually notice each time you practice this stretch that it is easier and easier. The Standing Nose to Knees Active Stretch more easily allows you hips to rotate forward as you lean forward, but you may have trouble with balance if you try this stretch while standing. The Straddle stretches are all more advanced versions of this stretch and carry with them the same or more risk to your lower back. The Nose to Knees stretches more specifically addresses the Hamstrings when performed correctly, whereas the Straddle stretches tend to better address the adductors.

Video coming soon.

Head Tilt

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10) Head Tiltclick here.

This is a stretch for the SCM and scalene muscles along with the other lesser-known muscles along the sides of your neck. Much like the Head Hang and the Head Hang Backward stretches this stretch should be quite easy for you. If this stretch is difficult be sure you get professional assistance along with your self-care to achieve lasting relief.

Video coming soon.