Wall Straddle

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23) Wall Straddleclick here

This is likely to be the most productive adductor stretch you ever perform. When practiced correctly many people can see dramatic improvements in abduction of the hip in a fairly short period of time. There is one caveat: be sure you use your arms to bring your legs together following this stretch. Too many people are too aggressive when they exit a passive (static) stretch, and it is the aggressive exit that negatively impacts their athletic performance.

If you lengthen your muscles beyond their functional capacity to lift your own limbs (which this particular stretch can do to your Adductors), and then you lift your limbs immediately to get back to a normal position, you can injure the very muscles you just stretched. Remember the Stretch Reflex and learn how to feel your muscles "let go." When they do let go, assist them when exiting the stretch.

Video coming soon.

Wall Piriformis Block

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22) Wall Piriformis Blockclick here

Some people perform a version of this stretch in which they pull on their leg to stretch their opposite hip. We suggest that you learn how to relax first before attempting to use force to encourage any muscle to relax. By using the wall as a support in this stretch and "blocking" the ankle across your knee it is possible to concentrate on melting into the floor with your lower back, completely relaxing your hip and thigh muscles, and getting much deeper stretch in your Piriformis and other lateral rotators.

For an older video of how to do the Wall Piriformis Block, click here. A new video is coming soon.

Supported Angel

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20) Supported Angelclick here

This stretch is to the chest and shoulders what the Supported Corpse is to the hips and lower back. Many people develop an anterior rotation of the shoulders or a shoulder-forward posture as they age. This is one way to reverse some of that shortening of the muscles that cross the front of the shoulders. Much like with the Chin Tuck or the Supported Corpse, the hardest part of this stretch for some people is doing nothing for more than 2 minutes. By constantly moving the overactive muscles of the shoulders never truly shut down. This means they take much longer to ever lengthen and it will be harder to note progress.

Breathe deeply and feel your knuckles melt into the floor. When you feel your elbows also melt into the floor you are ready to raise your arms a little closer to your ears. 

Video coming soon.

Supine Hurdle

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19) Supine Hurdleclick here

Out of every stretch or functional movement we offer on this site this one is potentially the most dangerous. Why is it in our selection, then? Because it is a great test for the upper limit of Quads and hip flexor flexibility. If you can comfortably lay back with your foot tucked under your hip and your knee on the floor then you do not need to further lengthen your hip flexors or Quadriceps. It is better to use active stretches such as the Standing Rear Foot Grab or the Bench Lunge to initially lengthen your leg and hip muscles. When those stretches get easy to perform attempt the Wall Lunge with a hip flexor focus. After the Wall Lunge gets fairly easy, then you are likely ready for the Supine Hurdle.

Be sure to note your foot position before laying back. If you lack the plantar flexion to tuck your toes back under you prior to attempting to lay down, when you do lay backward you may injure your ankle or knee with the weight of your body applying too much torque to them. Check the notes for this stretch prior to attempting it. When you are ready this can be a great stretch in your routine (make sure you are ready).

Video coming soon.