SMR Techniques: (practice each at least once)
Adductors Roll, T-Spine Roll, T-Spine Roll, SMR Butterfly
Stretches & Functional Movements: (mix 1-3 times before & after each SMR technique)
Cat Claw + Child's Pose, Inchworms, Stationary Inchworms
Category: SMR
SMR Tip 12-7-2015
SMR Techniques: (practice each at least once)
Quads Roll, Pecs Roll, Neck Roll, Levator Floor Press
Stretches & Functional Movements: (mix 1-3 times before & after each SMR technique)
Supine Hurdle + Chin Tuck, Supported Angel + Shifted Angel, Chin to Sternum, Chin to Clavicles
SMR Tip 12-6-2015
SMR Techniques: (practice each at least once)
Adductors Roll, QL Roll, T-Spine Roll
Stretches & Functional Movements: (mix 1-3 times before & after each SMR technique)
Scaredy Cat, Daisy Cow, Supine Frog, Prone Frog, Lateral Lunges
SMR Tip 12-5-2015
SMR Techniques: (practice each at least once)
Quads Roll, Piriformis Press, Glute Med Press
Stretches & Functional Movements: (mix 1-3 times before & after each SMR technique)
Supine Hurdle, Cross Overs, Scorpions
SMR Tip 12-4-2015
SMR Techniques: (practice each at least once)
Lats Roll, Hamstrings Press, Psoas Press
Stretches & Functional Movements: (mix 1-3 times before & after each SMR technique)
Supported Corpse + Floor Touch, Nose to Knees
SMR Tip 12-3-2015
SMR Techniques: (practice each at least once)
Adductors Roll, VMO Roll, ITB Roll
Stretches & Functional Movements: (mix 1-3 times before & after each SMR technique)
Hero Pose, Sumo Squat--Knees
SMR Tip 12-2-2015
SMR Techniques: (practice each at least once)
Quads Roll, Calves Roll, Foot Roll
Stretches & Functional Movements: (mix 1-3 times before & after each SMR technique)
Wall Lunge, Elevated Calf Press, Toe Walks, Heel Walks, Foot Circles
SMR Tip 12-1-2015
SMR Techniques: (practice each at least once)
Triceps Roll, Biceps Press, Extensors Roll, Flexors Press
Stretches & Functional Movements: (mix 1-3 times before & after each SMR technique)
Overhead Stick Pull, Tight-Gripped Pass Thrus, Shifted Angel, Wrist Flexors Press
SMR Tip 11-30-2015
SMR Techniques: (practice each at least once)
Quads Roll---upper third, T-Spine Roll, Delts Roll
Stretches & Functional Movements: (mix 1-3 times before & after each SMR technique)
Supported Corpse, Marching Corpse, Overhead Squat Pass Thrus
SMR Tip 11-29-2015
SMR Techniques: (practice each at least once)
Quads Roll---middle third, Pecs Roll, SMR Butterfly
Stretches & Functional Movements: (mix 1-3 times before & after each SMR technique)
Rear Foot Grab, Dual Knee Grab (Egg Roll), Scapular Protractions/Retractions