Infra Press

39th Extended -- Infra Press
Use this SMR exercise AFTER you do the Lats Roll and the Pecs Hand Press (or one of it's alternatives). 

This SMR exercise addresses two of the 4 rotator cuff muscles, the infraspinatus and the teres minor.

If you have trouble with rotator cuff issues, especially pain in the back of your shoulder, then this exercise is for you!

Keep in mind that the lats and pectoralis minor muscles are involved in everything you do that involves the shoulder blade.

You will likely benefit from loosening knots in the infraspinatus, but be sure you stretch out the lats and pec minor or your issue is likely to come right back.
For written instructions, click here

For video instructions (3:07), click here (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see all of the Extended SMR Exercises.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Subscap Press

42nd Extended -- Subscap Press
Use this SMR exercise AFTER you do the Lats Roll and the Pecs Hand Press (or one of it's alternatives). 

This SMR exercise addresses one of the 4 rotator cuff muscles, the subscapularis.

If you have trouble with rotator cuff issues, especially frozen shoulder, then this exercise is for you!

Keep in mind that the lats and pectoralis minor muscles are involved in everything you do with the shoulder blade.

You will likely benefit from loosening knots in the subscapularis, but be sure you stretch out the lats and the pec minor or your issue is likely to come right back.
For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (3:07), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the Extended Movements.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Supra Floor Press

40th Extended -- Supra Floor Press
Use this SMR exercise AFTER you do the Lats Roll, Neck Roll and the Pecs Hand Press (or one of it's alternatives). 

This SMR exercise addresses one of the 4 rotator cuff muscles, the supraspinatus, while also addressing the outer area of the trapezius muscle. 

If you have trouble with rotator cuff issues, especially pain in the top of your shoulder when you lift your arm, then this exercise is for you!

Keep in mind that the lats and pectoralis minor muscles are involved in everything you do that involves the shoulder blade.

You will likely benefit from loosening knots in the supraspinatus, but be sure you stretch out the lats and pec minor or your issue is likely to come right back.
For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (3:24), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the Extended Movements.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Supra Wall Press

41st Extended -- Supra Wall Press
Use this SMR exercise AFTER you do the Lats Roll, Neck Roll and the Pecs Hand Press (or one of it's alternatives). 

This SMR exercise addresses one of the 4 rotator cuff muscles, the supraspinatus, while also addressing the outer area of the trapezius. 

It is similar to the Supra Floor Press, but some people find this movement more effective.

If you have trouble with rotator cuff issues, especially pain in the top of your shoulder when you lift your arm, then this exercise is for you! Keep in mind that the lats and the pectoralis minor muscle are involved in everything you do with the shoulder blade.

You will likely benefit from loosening knots in the supraspinatus, but be sure you stretch out the lats and pec minor or your issue is likely to come right back.
For written instructions, click here.

For video instructions (3:11), click here. (Updated video coming soon!)

Click here to see the rest of the Extended Movements.
Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

SMR Butterfly

14th Secondary -- SMR Butterfly
Use this SMR exercise AFTER you do the Lats Roll and the Pecs Roll (or one of the Pecs Press alternatives).

This SMR exercise addresses all of the muscles between your shoulder blade and your spine (primarily the rhomboids). 

If you have trouble with neck, shoulder, or upper back pain then this exercise is for you!

Keep in mind that the pectoralis minor muscle is involved in everything you do that involves the shoulder blade.

You will likely benefit from loosening knots in the rhomboids region, but be sure you stretch out the pec minor or your issue is likely to come right back.

You should do this movement at least once every 2 weeks. (more often is better)
For written instructions, click here to download a printable PDF of the SMR Butterfly

For our downloadable video instruction, click here (video from 2010--updated video is in the works!)

Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

Click here to return to all of the Fundamental SMR Techniques

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** 

Lats Roll

3rd Primary -- Lats Roll
Practice the SMR exercise displayed below at least once each week to maintain proper shoulder, back and hip function.

It is likely you will need to stretch each day and possibly do other SMR movements for your "trouble areas."

The movement below is part of the foundation that you build on, and you should revisit it often.
For written instructions, click here to download a printable PDF of the Lats Roll

For our downloadable video instruction, click here

Below is a video from our archives which we completed in 2010:

Be sure to post your questions and comments below. We want to provide the best instruction to help you recover from your workouts.

Click here to return to all of the Fundamental SMR Techniques

**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.**