Gluteus Medius

glute med -- 2016
Gluteus Medius

Pictured above is the gluteus medius muscle. It primarily works to extend (open) the hip, and is especially involved in stabilizing the hip when standing on one leg. It is very likely that this muscle will need stretching and SMR attention, so address it often.

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others.

Individual hip, lower back & thigh muscles you might be interested in: (any inactive links will be live soon)

Click here for a list of all the muscles.

Muscle that crosses the hip/lower back joint and crosses the hip/thigh joint (attaches to the spine and the femur)

  1. Psoas

Muscles that attach to the hip and the spine and/or ribs

  1. Rectus Abdominus
  2. External Abdominal Oblique
  3. Internal Abdominal Oblique
  4. Transverse Abdominus
  5. Latissimus Dorsi
  6. Iliocostalis Lumborum
  7. Longissimus Thoracis
  8. Quadratus Lumborum
  9. Multifidi

Muscles that attach to the hip and the thigh bone (femur)

  1. Iliacus
  2. Rectus Femoris
  3. Tensor Fasciae Latae
  4. Sartorius
  5. Gracilis
  6. Adductor Magnus
  7. Adductor Longus
  8. Adductor Brevis
  9. Pectineus
  10. Gluteus Maximus
  11. Gluteus Medius
  12. Gluteus Minimus
  13. Piriformis
  14. Superior Gemellus
  15. Obturator Internus
  16. Inferior Gemellus
  17. Obturator Externus
  18. Quadratus Femoris
  19. Biceps Femoris
  20. Semitendonosis
  21. Semimembranosis

Good luck working out those tight knots.

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