Tag: SMR Programming
SMR & Training Terms
We use the following terms in our workout notes. Some of these notes are unique to us, and not endorsed by other organizations (e.g., PSU = push up). This is to avoid confusion when reading the workouts, so that no acronym is used more than once (CrossFit uses PU for pull up or push up). If we find one acronym or note is less clear than a different one, we will alter the list below. We will add links for each item to provide more detail as time and resources allow. Happy training!
SMR Programming
Quads Roll - Quadriceps Roll, the first Primary SMR Technique
Adds Roll - Adductors Roll, the second Primary SMR Technique
Lats Roll - Lats Roll, the third Primary SMR Technique
Workout Programming
AMRAP - as many rounds/reps as possible
m - meter
min - minute
WOD - workout of the day
SWOD - strength/skill/speed workout of the day
KB - kettle bell
kg - kilogram
# - pounds
BW - body weight (do the prescribed exercise with a load equal to your body weight)
Stretches, Warm Up & Recovery Terms
SMR - self myofascial release (rolling out with balls & rollers)
BWU - Burgener warm up (set of 6 specific Oly lifting prep movements)
PT - Pass Thrus
ATW - Around the Worlds
GATW - Giant Around the Worlds
GM - Good Mornings
IW - Inchworms
SIW - Stationary Inchworms
LL - Lateral Lunges
SL - Super Lunges
SCP - Scorpions - quads, hip, core & shoulder stretch
CO - Crossovers - hamstrings, hip & lower back stretch
CT - Core Twist
SSK - Sumo Squat Knees (stretch in which you push out against your thighs with your elbows)
SST - sumo squat Toes (stretch in which you hold your toes as you straighten your legs)
Body Movement
Burpee - Burpee - fom a standing postion lower torso to ground to make contact with ribcage, rise, jump & clap while feet are off the ground
PU - Pull Up
MU - Muscle Up
BMU - Bar Muscle Up
PSU - Push Up
AS - Air Squat
SU - Sit Up
HS - Hand Stand
HSKU - Hand Stand Kick Up
HSPU - Hand Stand Push Up
HSWU - Hand Stand Walk Up
DU - Double Unders - jumprope, 2 turns per hop
JR - Jump Rope
BJ - Box Jumps
Olympic Lifts
Clean - Full Squat Clean
C&J - Clean & Jerk
PC - Power Clean
HC - Hang Clean
HPC - Hang Power Clean
PP - Push Press
PJ - Push Jerk
SJ - Split Jerk
Sn - Snatch
PSn - Power Snatch
HSn - Hang Snatch
HPSn - Hang Power Snatch
SSn - Split Snatch
SnBal - Snatch Balance
Weightlifting OTHER than Oly Lifts
TGU - Turkish Get Up
DL - Deadlift
OHS - Overhead Squat
FS - Front Squat
BS - Back Squat
P/SP/SP - Press/Strict Press/Shoulder Press
BP - Bench Press
WB - Wall Ball
MBC - Medicine Ball Clean, usually with a Dynamax medicine ball
Have a suggestion? Drop us a line at info@smrtips.com.
SMR for the CrossFit Named WODs
After years of requests from the CrossFit community, we now have a list of the SMR movements for each of the benchmark named workouts. Feel free to download the Adobe PDF and print or email it to share with whomever you choose. We want you to perform better so that you can raise the level of competition out there. 3-2-1...GO! Click here to download the CrossFit Named WODs (as of 6-12-2011) |
Click here to download the list of SMR for the Girls Pre-WOD SMR should be done prior to your dyanamic warm up and practice movements. Remember, the purpose of SMR is to "turn off" stubborn, overly tight muscles. You want everything awake when you try to crush Fran or any other WOD. Post-WOD SMR should be done following your cool down stretches, as your heart rate returns to normal. Do the rolling movements at the gym, and the ball exercises much later when you have completely cooled down. You don't want to significantly restrict blood flow right after your WOD, and the localized pressure possible with the ball is likely to be too much to ensure adequate blood flow while you are lying on top of it. Take your time, breathe deeply, and focus on allowing your muscles to wrap around the ball or roller. Good luck! |
Click here to download the list of SMR for the Heroes Pre-WOD SMR should be done prior to your dynamic warm up and practice movements. Remember, the purpose of SMR is to "turn off" stubborn, overly tight muscles. You want everything awake when you try to crush Murph or any other WOD. Post-WOD SMR should be done following your cool down stretches, as your heart rate returns to normal. Do the rolling movements at the gym, and the ball exercises much later when you have completely cooled down. You don't want to significantly restrict blood flow right after your WOD, and the localized pressure possible with the ball is likely to be too much to ensure adequate blood flow while you are lying your body on top of it. Take your time, breathe deeply, and focus on allowing your muscles to wrap around the ball or roller. Good luck! (The pictures below include the 20 pages in the printable Adobe PDF linked above.) |
SMR for 091228

Now that you have found your "trouble area," you need to work it every day until it is no longer your trouble area. If you don't yet know how to work through the muscles in that area, click here to download the SMR Introduction. You will get your best results by applying gently increasing levels of pressure to the tightest knots in your muscles for at least 30 seconds. Autogenic inhibition takes at least 20 seconds, but can take much longer. It is the physiological response that causes your muscle knots to relax.
It takes your muscles at least 3 weeks to remodel the number of sarcomeres (the smallest functional units within the muscles) so that the tight and shortened muscles stay lengthened and allow more functional movement, so STICK WITH IT!
SMR for 091227
If you don't know what your "trouble area" is, take about 15 minutes to find it...

Try to relax your body as much as possible while you lie on the massage ball with different parts of your body. You'll find one area that is unusually tight (and probably the most sensitive, too). Remember to chase the area with the most tension, not necessarily the most pain. A healthy, relaxed muscle will wrap around the ball to some degree. If you feel that you lie on the ball with one particular area and your muscle mass simply does not give at all, THAT is your spot!
Once you know your "trouble area," work it for as much time as it takes to get a significant release in that area. If the tight spot is in your center thigh or between your shoulder blades (where everyone has a significant amount of muscle mass), when the muscle "gives" and you get that release you should feel the ball sink into your flesh as your body absorbs the ball and it is FAR more comfortable to lie on it.
Post your comments regarding how easy it is to find your tightest muscle, and how long it takes to let go.