The Biceps

biceps -- 2016[/caption]

Pictured above are the biceps muscles. Both of them pull your lower arm toward your shoulder. The biceps brachii rotates your lower arm as it flexes your elbow. The deeper of the two biceps muscles (the brachialis) is responsible for 'true flexion' of your elbow, and is involved in EVERY action you do that requires your elbow joint.

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others.

Click here for a list of all the muscles.

The following muscles cross the elbow joint and attach to the shoulder blade (scapula) & the arm (radius or ulna), to the upper arm (humerus) & the arm (radius or ulna). Click the appropriate link for your interest.

Arm muscles that cross the elbow joint and flex the arm:

  1. Biceps Brachii
  2. Brachialis
  3. Brachioradialis - Front

Good luck working out those tight knots.

If you have any questions, please post a comment. We try to respond within 24 hours.

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triceps -- 2016

Pictured above is the triceps muscle. It straightens your elbow and pulls your arm toward your side. The long head of your triceps attaches to both your elbow and your shoulder blade, and can keep you from easily being able to raise your arm overhead when it gets too tight. Issues like tennis elbow respond well when you reduce excess tension in the triceps.

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others.

Click here for a list of all the muscles.

The following muscles attach across the elbow joint, to the upper arm (humerus) & the arm (radius or ulna), or to the arm & the wrist/hand (one or more of the numerous bones in the wrist & hand). Click the appropriate link for your interest. (any inactive links will be live soon)

Muscles that cross the elbow joint (attach to the scapula or upper arm and radius or ulna)

  1. Biceps Brachii
  2. Brachialis
  3. Triceps
  4. Brachioradialis

Extensor muscles on the back of the arm that attach below the elbow joint (attach to the radius or ulna) and to bones in either the wrist or hand

  1. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
  2. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
  3. Extensor Digitorum
  4. Extensor Digit Minimi
  5. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
  6. Extensor Pollicis Brevis
  7. Extensor Pollicis Longus
  8. Anconeus
  9. Abductor Pollicis Longus
  10. Extensor Indicis
  11. Supinator

Flexor muscles on the front of the arm that attach below the elbow joint (attach to the radius or ulna) and to bones in either the wrist or hand

  1. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
  2. Flexor Carpi Radialis
  3. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
  4. Palmaris Longus
  5. Flexor Pollicis Longus
  6. Pronator Teres
  7. Pronator Quadratus

Good luck working out those tight knots.

If you have any questions, please post a comment. We try to respond within 24 hours.

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brachialis -- 2016

Pictured above are the biceps muscles. Both of them pull your lower arm toward your shoulder. The deeper of the two biceps muscles (the brachialis) is responsible for 'true flexion' of your elbow, and is involved in EVERY action you do that requires your elbow joint. Issues like golfer's elbow respond well when you reduce excess tension in the brachialis.

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others.

Click here for a list of all the muscles.

Click here to see the shoulder muscles as a group.

Click here to see the biceps muscles as a group.

The following muscles cross the elbow joint and attach to the shoulder blade (scapula) & the arm (radius or ulna), to the upper arm (humerus) & the arm (radius or ulna). Click the appropriate link for your interest.

Arm muscles that cross the elbow joint and flex the arm:

  1. Biceps Brachii
  2. Brachialis
  3. Brachioradialis - Front

Good luck working out those tight knots.

If you have any questions, please post a comment. We try to respond within 24 hours.

We're here to help you get more out of your training!

Hip Flexors

hip flexors -- 2016
Hip Flexors

Pictured above are the hip flexor muscles. All of them pull your leg up toward your spine, and one of them pulls your spine toward your leg (like when you sit up). They are BY FAR the most influential group of muscles in the body. You can't move your hip or lower back in any direction without using one or more of these muscles. 80% of all adults over 18 years of age have some form of back pain. If you aren't checking your hip flexors for excessive tension you are missing the most significant group of muscles that contribute to proper back function.

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others. On the left side you can see the other muscles that are present in the same area as the hip flexors, and a couple muscles that act as mild hip flexors (Tensor Fasciae Latae & Sartorius).

Click here for a list of all the muscles.

Individual hip, lower back & thigh muscles you might be interested in: (any inactive links will be live soon)

Muscle that crosses the hip/lower back joint and crosses the hip/thigh joint (attaches to the spine and the femur)

  1. Psoas

Muscles that attach to the hip and the spine and/or ribs

  1. Rectus Abdominus
  2. External Abdominal Oblique
  3. Internal Abdominal Oblique
  4. Transverse Abdominus
  5. Latissimus Dorsi
  6. Iliocostalis Lumborum
  7. Longissimus Thoracis
  8. Quadratus Lumborum
  9. Multifidi

Muscles that attach to the hip and the thigh bone (femur)

  1. Iliacus
  2. Rectus Femoris
  3. Tensor Fasciae Latae
  4. Sartorius
  5. Gracilis
  6. Adductor Magnus
  7. Adductor Longus
  8. Adductor Brevis
  9. Pectineus
  10. Gluteus Maximus
  11. Gluteus Medius
  12. Gluteus Minimus
  13. Piriformis
  14. Superior Gemellus
  15. Obturator Internus
  16. Inferior Gemellus
  17. Obturator Externus
  18. Quadratus Femoris
  19. Biceps Femoris
  20. Semitendonosis
  21. Semimembranosis

Good luck working out those tight knots.

If you have any questions, please post a comment. We try to respond within 24 hours.

We're here to help you get more out of your training!


psoas -- 2016

Pictured above is the psoas. It is one of the hip flexor muscles, and pulls your leg up toward your spine (like when you lift your leg), or your spine toward your leg (like when you sit up). It is BY FAR the most influential muscle in the body. You can't move your hip or lower back in any direction without using this muscle. 80% of all adults over 18 years of age have some form of back pain. If you aren't checking the psoas for excessive tension you are missing one of the most significant links to proper back function.

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others.

Individual hip, lower back & thigh muscles you might be interested in: (any inactive links will be live soon)

Click here for a list of all the muscles.

Click here to see the hip flexor muscles as a group.

Muscle that crosses the hip/lower back joint and crosses the hip/thigh joint (attaches to the spine and the femur)

  1. Psoas

Muscles that attach to the hip and the spine and/or ribs

  1. Rectus Abdominus
  2. External Abdominal Oblique
  3. Internal Abdominal Oblique
  4. Transverse Abdominus
  5. Latissimus Dorsi
  6. Iliocostalis Lumborum
  7. Longissimus Thoracis
  8. Quadratus Lumborum
  9. Multifidi

Muscles that attach to the hip and the thigh bone (femur)

  1. Iliacus
  2. Rectus Femoris
  3. Tensor Fasciae Latae
  4. Sartorius
  5. Gracilis
  6. Adductor Magnus
  7. Adductor Longus
  8. Adductor Brevis
  9. Pectineus
  10. Gluteus Maximus
  11. Gluteus Medius
  12. Gluteus Minimus
  13. Piriformis
  14. Superior Gemellus
  15. Obturator Internus
  16. Inferior Gemellus
  17. Obturator Externus
  18. Quadratus Femoris
  19. Biceps Femoris
  20. Semitendonosis
  21. Semimembranosis

Good luck working out those tight knots.

If you have any questions, please post a comment. We try to respond within 24 hours.

We're here to help you get more out of your training!


subscap -- 2016

Pictured above is the subscapularis. It is one of the rotator cuff muscles, and it rotates your arm toward your chest.

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others.

Click here for a list of all the muscles.

Click here to see the rotator cuff muscles as a group.

Individual shoulder, upper back & neck muscles you might be interested in: (any inactive links will be live soon)

Muscles that cross the shoulder joint (attach somewhere in the torso and to the upper arm)

  1. Pectoralis Major
  2. Latissimus Dorsi

Muscles that attach to the shoulder blade (scapula) & the spine or ribs

  1. Trapezius
  2. Levator Scapulae
  3. Rhomboid Minor
  4. Rhomboid Major
  5. Latissimus Dorsi
  6. Pectoralis Minor
  7. Serratus Anterior

Muscles that attach to the scapula & the arm

  1. Deltoids
  2. Supraspinatus
  3. Infraspinatus
  4. Teres Minor
  5. Subscapularis
  6. Teres Major
  7. Triceps (long head)
  8. Biceps Brachii
  9. Coracobrachialis
  10. Latissimus Dorsi

Good luck working out those tight knots.

If you have any questions, please post a comment. We try to respond within 24 hours.

We're here to help you get more out of your training!

Teres Minor

teres minor -- 2016

Pictured above is the teres minor. It is one of the rotator cuff muscles, and it rotates your arm away from your chest (toward your back) and pulls your arm torward the side of your torso.

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others.

Click here for a list of all the muscles.

Click here to see the rotator cuff muscles as a group.

Individual shoulder, upper back & neck muscles you might be interested in: (any inactive links will be live soon)

Muscles that cross the shoulder joint (attach somewhere in the torso and to the upper arm)

  1. Pectoralis Major
  2. Latissimus Dorsi

Muscles that attach to the shoulder blade (scapula) & the spine or ribs

  1. Trapezius
  2. Levator Scapulae
  3. Rhomboid Minor
  4. Rhomboid Major
  5. Latissimus Dorsi
  6. Pectoralis Minor
  7. Serratus Anterior

Muscles that attach to the scapula & the arm

  1. Deltoids
  2. Supraspinatus
  3. Infraspinatus
  4. Teres Minor
  5. Subscapularis
  6. Teres Major
  7. Triceps (long head)
  8. Biceps Brachii
  9. Coracobrachialis
  10. Latissimus Dorsi

Good luck working out those tight knots.

If you have any questions, please post a comment. We try to respond within 24 hours.

We're here to help you get more out of your training!

Rotator Cuff

rotator cuff -- 2016

Pictured above is the rotator cuff. These 4 muscles work together to stabilize the shoulder with any and all movements you do with your arm. If any part of the rotator cuff is overworked or injured, your shoulder will not feel 'right,' and you might have limited function with your arm. Check the health of these muscles regularly and take action early when you find an issue in there. 

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others.

Click here for a list of all the muscles.

Individual shoulder, upper back & neck muscles you might be interested in: (any inactive links will be live soon)

Muscles that cross the shoulder joint (attach somewhere in the torso and to the upper arm)

  1. Pectoralis Major
  2. Latissimus Dorsi

Muscles that attach to the shoulder blade (scapula) & the spine or ribs

  1. Trapezius
  2. Levator Scapulae
  3. Rhomboid Minor
  4. Rhomboid Major
  5. Latissimus Dorsi
  6. Pectoralis Minor
  7. Serratus Anterior

Muscles that attach to the scapula & the arm

  1. Deltoids
  2. Supraspinatus
  3. Infraspinatus
  4. Teres Minor
  5. Subscapularis
  6. Teres Major
  7. Triceps (long head)
  8. Biceps Brachii
  9. Coracobrachialis
  10. Latissimus Dorsi

Good luck working out those tight knots.

If you have any questions, please post a comment. We try to respond within 24 hours.

We're here to help you get more out of your training!


infraspinatus -- 2016

Pictured above is the infraspinatus. It is one of the rotator cuff muscles, and it rotates your arm away from your chest (toward your back) and lifts your arm away from the side of your torso. (click here for a list of all the muscles)

Click here to see the rotator cuff muscles as a group.

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others.

Individual shoulder, upper back & neck muscles you might be interested in: (any inactive links will be live soon)

Muscles that cross the shoulder joint (attach somewhere in the torso and to the upper arm)

  1. Pectoralis Major
  2. Latissimus Dorsi

Muscles that attach to the shoulder blade (scapula) & the spine or ribs

  1. Trapezius
  2. Levator Scapulae
  3. Rhomboid Minor
  4. Rhomboid Major
  5. Latissimus Dorsi
  6. Pectoralis Minor
  7. Serratus Anterior

Muscles that attach to the scapula & the arm

  1. Deltoids
  2. Supraspinatus
  3. Infraspinatus
  4. Teres Minor
  5. Subscapularis
  6. Teres Major
  7. Triceps (long head)
  8. Biceps Brachii
  9. Coracobrachialis
  10. Latissimus Dorsi

Good luck working out those tight knots.

If you have any questions, please post a comment. We try to respond within 24 hours.

We're here to help you get more out of your training!


supraspinatus -- 2016

Pictured above is the supraspinatus. It is one of the rotator cuff muscles, and it secures the upper arm bone (humerus) against the shoulder blade (scapula) and raises the arm away from your side.

The muscles are layered, showing how some of the muscles are covered by the others. All of the muscles are see-through so that you can appreciate the location and size of each muscle relative to the others.

Click here for a list of all the muscles.

Click here to see the rotator cuff muscles as a group.

Individual shoulder, upper back & neck muscles you might be interested in: (any inactive links will be live soon)

Muscles that cross the shoulder joint (attach somewhere in the torso and to the upper arm)

  1. Pectoralis Major
  2. Latissimus Dorsi

Muscles that attach to the shoulder blade (scapula) & the spine or ribs

  1. Trapezius
  2. Levator Scapulae
  3. Rhomboid Minor
  4. Rhomboid Major
  5. Latissimus Dorsi
  6. Pectoralis Minor
  7. Serratus Anterior

Muscles that attach to the scapula & the arm

  1. Deltoids
  2. Supraspinatus
  3. Infraspinatus
  4. Teres Minor
  5. Subscapularis
  6. Teres Major
  7. Triceps (long head)
  8. Biceps Brachii
  9. Coracobrachialis
  10. Latissimus Dorsi

Good luck working out those tight knots.

If you have any questions, please post a comment. We try to respond within 24 hours.

We're here to help you get more out of your training!