"The physician must be experienced in many things, but assuredly in rubbing" ~~ Hippocrates, 460 BC What is SMR?
The three of these work against functional movement by locking the muscles attached to a joint or causing heavily worked muscles to stick to the nearby muscles and tissues. (can you say "tight IT bands") Click here for a printable download of the 3 primary SMR exercises and strategies for using the primary, secondary and extended movements. |
There are 3 major regions of SMR exercises:
Together, the primary and secondary exercises make up the fundamental SMR exercises you need to do at least once every 2 weeks to maintain proper muscle health. |
The Primary SMR Exercises These 3 foundational self-care exercises address the most influential regions for proper hip, back, and shoulder function. If you aren't hitting these three regions, you are missing the largest contributors to full-range functional movement. By practicing these three SMR exercises a minimum of once every week, you not only work through some tight knots in the muscles but you also keep small problems from growing into more debilitating ones. |
The Secondary SMR Exercises These 20 SMR exercises build on the progress you make with the primary 3. With the combination of the primary and secondary exercises you have a basic maintenance program to take care of the muscles that are likely to need some regular attention to maintain proper health and full-stretch range of motion. Catching excess tension in these areas is key, so be sure you touch each of these regions at least once every 2 weeks to make sure you aren't gradually locking up. |
The Extended SMR Exercises These 47 SMR exercises are meant to provide the additional work you may need to address a particular joint or muscle issue. Begin with the primary exercises, then do the secondary ones. If you still have issues in a given area, use the extended exercises to more thoroughly work all the muscles around your trouble area. Sometimes you can relieve tension in a dysfunctional muscle by applying just the right amount of pressure for just the right amount of time. Other times you will need the help of a qualified therapist. Try your best to do your homework with SMR and stretching. If your issue does not get noticeably better each day, then pick up the phone and get the professional help you need. |
**All information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before attempting any exercises you read on this page or any page on this website.** |