Jeff & Carolyn Alexander began training clients in the 1990s. Over the years they have grown and seen certain fitness trends come and go. They've tried to glean the best practices, principles, and tools from the fitness world and bring them under one roof, hence the name 'Alexander Method.'
If you want to move your shoulder better, we have techniques and strategies for that. If you want to lose bodyfat and look better in your swimsuit, we can advise you with your diet and exercise program. If you are looking for new challenges and want to see just how hard you can be pushed, we have programs that will put even the toughest athlete to the test. If we can't help your particular interest, we are also aware of our limitations and who to refer you to so you get the expert advice you need.
We will safely help you get to the next level. We look forward to helping you get there.

I was wondering if there are any of your seminars held in Orange County or San Diego. I have a gift certificate for one on one or a small group session.